qual'è il commento più bello a1 vostro amv

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view post Posted on 25/10/2007, 19:47

quale commento fatto da qualcuno ad una vostra creazione vi ha fatto veramente piacere?

view post Posted on 26/10/2007, 14:10

Trovai un commento sul mio AMV su Ash e Misty fra i messaggi di posta di Youtube. A parte i complimenti (troppi), mi ha stupita soprattutto perché pieno di consigli utili e vero interesse: chi l'ha scritto ha davvero guardato con il cuore ^^ È forse quello che mi ha fatto più piacere in assoluto.

By far, this is the best pokeshipping AMV I have ever seen. The mood you set is absolutely perfect. The dramatizing techniques you utilize are without flaw. You either are very experienced or have a natural talent for making video. You do so much that I can’t even begin to list it all (like fading one still image to another still image to simulate motion). I am going to assume you know exactly what you did and suggest that you keeping doing it. I am going to be rather presumptuous and attempt to criticize your video. Any comments I may have are merely nitpicking and of the level of detail that I wouldn’t bother with anyone else because you truly did a good job.

The biggest thing is actually not your fault but YouTube. Why ruin your video by dropping the quality? I would love to see a high quality version. Get some better source video next time and don’t upload it to youtube. Instead, http://www.animemusicvideos.org/home/home.php is a much better site for quality AMVs. Youtube tends not to have anything good, just random junk people have thrown together (which is why I was surprised when I saw your vid). Also, next time, try to be more ambitious with your music. The song you picked was great and much better then some modern garbage. It was appropriate and the video matched well. But, it was a bit dull. Something more dynamic will help your next video significantly.

Also, be careful about which parts of a scene you choose to show. Sometimes, the lips moving without words don’t work well. When a viewer sees lips moving, they naturally expect words behind them. In some cases, the words are rather generic and obvious so not hearing them doesn’t matter (a number of anime actually do this). In an amv, you don’t have any spoken words at all, so you must be very careful about lips moving. For example, if you someone standing in the wind and then they say a few profound words, you don’t want to show that in an amv. Instead, just reshow the first few seconds with the wind again and again simulating the motion. We can’t guess at the words spoken and it is best not to try. Just silently looking into the distance with the wind blowing, is a powerful image all on its own. An excellent example of this is 1:40-1:45. You could have just done still shots there. They are saying stuff that is probably rather important but it is a bit hard for a viewer to understand. Then at 1:46, we see misty and Brock there. They say some stuff with the setting sun behind them. Now, in that case, it is appropriate for you to leave the talking in. A viewer has an easy time understanding that. 2:12 is another example of where it is alright. At 2:27, it is not obvious what on earth is going on, so the talking doesn’t help; it only confuses it. At 2:32, Misty shows up and probably says a greeting of some sort. There it is alright. From the look on Misty’s face at 2:34, what she is saying is apparent. She is mad and whining about something, so the talking is alright there. At 2:38, it is rather up to you. It depends on what you are trying to show there. Ash can be taken as trying to explain himself to Misty who we just saw as upset or he could be protecting something. If he is explaining himself, the lip moving is good. If you were trying to show him protecting something, then the talking messes up the scene. The arms are the most important part and are just ignored because of the talking. You made an excellent video and I would love to see another one from you. Please keep up the good work.

view post Posted on 26/10/2007, 14:12

porca la miseria!!!!! era un poema!!!! :on 13:che bello, se l'è proprio visto di gusto...
view post Posted on 26/10/2007, 20:39

a me non piacciono commenti: "nice" "bello" fatti insomma solo con 1 parola. se devi commentare così, meglio che non commenti neanche. un commento deve essere del tipo "bravo, ma la canzone non ci sta molto bene" "stupendo! uno dei migliori video che abbia mai visto!" o altri commenti, anke negativi. preferisco che uno mi scriva "in quella parte potevi fare meglio" piuttosto che uno mi scriva "bello". un commento deve essere un commento e deve dire che cosa c'è che non va nel video, le parti migliori di un video. manco a dire che detesto i comemnti come "nice song" se la canzone ti piace non mi deleted. devi dire come trovi il video sennò stai zitto. per ora il commento che mi è piaciuto di più, e non lo dico per sparar deleted, è uno che diceva che il video non gli piaceva proprio, e che in certi punti potevo farlo molto migliore. mi è piaciuto questo commento perchè ha è stato sincero e non ha scritto semplicemente come fanno altri "nice" ma era un commento negativo ma almeno esprimeva quel che pensava. wuao dico roba profonda stasera...che mi prende?

Edited by yui82 - 27/10/2007, 17:50
view post Posted on 27/10/2007, 16:49

mmmm diciamo che lo stesso effetto e chiarezza si puo raggiungere anche senza parole un po' troppo...colorite... thanks :on4:
view post Posted on 27/10/2007, 19:07

sapete a me cosa ha fatto veramente piacere? una volta mi hanno ringraziato per aver creato un AMV...molto semplice veramente, ma era fatto con molto sentimento... se uno ti ringrazia per aver creato un AMv significa che hai comunicato qualcosa ed è la più grande soddisfazione che si possa avere al di la della bravura con gli effetti ed il timing....
pensate che era fatto con wmm!!!! :on17:
view post Posted on 27/10/2007, 19:48

CITAZIONE (yui82 @ 27/10/2007, 17:49)
mmmm diciamo che lo stesso effetto e chiarezza si puo raggiungere anche senza parole un po' troppo...colorite... thanks :on4:

ehm... :D sorry
7 replies since 25/10/2007, 19:47   67 views